The explosive thermal destruction of the Earth's crust is presented in this section, as it has direct bearing on decisions of national security. The occurrence of the global fracture zones, including the primary and transform faults, resulted in the near destruction of all life on this planet some 4500 years ago. Indeed, this is the essence of the Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI) discovery in October 2009. The 1.5- 2.0 million cubic feet cargo barge (Noah's Ark) positioned at the 16,300 ft. altitude on Mt. Ararat strato-volcano, should have provided the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) far more than just the cursory interest he displayed in 1994 while at CIA. DCI Director Robert Gates� initiated Noah's Ark investigations on Mt. Ararat, but imprudently allowed the project to be shelved. Robert Gates' priorities should have�centered first on national and international security requirements; and secondly on the�critical implications for geophysics and biology of the planet On a related issue,�Hydrothermal vent complexes exuding methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are located globally in the millions along these fracture systems. Global Fracture System.doc
The Global Fracture System provides the basis for the CIA's and Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency's imaging investigations concerning Mt. Ararat, the Ark; followed by classified discussions with the Defense Department's National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). These took place on a secured telecommunications unit (STU) phone in 1999, at Naval Surface Warfare Center's Dahlgren Laboratory while I worked as a physicist. The information concerning the "ship" was classified at the time of the conversation in 1999; hidden of course from the general public but revealed to me by way of STU phone from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) NRO. My involvement pertained to application of image processing techniques applied to available imagery of the ship. These events followed current SECDEF Dr. Robert Gates tenure (1994) and his abandonment of his national security responsibilities concerning the verification and validation of the ship's position on the strato-volcano, Mt. Ararat in Eastern Turkey. Fears concerning personal and professional embarrassment may have affected his courage regarding this critically important investigation. Dr. Gates may have confused historical anthropology and geophysics with the illusion of religion. The concept of religion is a safe way out for government employees. The Ark was stated to be, and the Simmons--Arslan photo confirms that it is, located on the northeastern section of the strato-volcano, very near the summit, northwest of the Ahora Gorge. The ship has been photographed by Dr. Ahmet Arslan in 1989 under direction and funding of Mr. Robin Simmons. One of the frames (number 2) has been extensively image-processed here at BSMRA, which resulted in extraction of the ship from the ambient background. The image was eventually forwarded to CIA and the Geospatial Intelligence Agency from here. The objective of forwarding the Ark information was to give the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) an actual processed Ark photo, and to correct the widely distributed (and diversion-oriented) Mt. Ararat "anomaly" photos, made famous by Dr. Porcher Taylor of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.. The Mt. Ararat anomaly is a geophysical, and possibly modified cultural rock formation, located approximately 1,000 feet below the ship, in a southeast direction. The anomaly is on the edge of the caldera plateau, being first 29-bomber crew on a mission. The enclosed PDFs have the declassified FOIA documents from 1949 through 2009, including pending requests photographed by the new CIA in 17 June 1949 by a USAF B-29.
The Global Fracture System provides the basis for the CIA's and Geo-Spatial Intelligence Agency's imaging investigations concerning Mt. Ararat, the Ark; followed by classified discussions with the Defense Department's National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). These took place on a secured telecommunications unit (STU) phone in 1999, at Naval Surface Warfare Center's Dahlgren Laboratory while I worked as a physicist. The information concerning the "ship" was classified at the time of the conversation in 1999; hidden of course from the general public but revealed to me by way of STU phone from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) NRO. My involvement pertained to application of image processing techniques applied to available imagery of the ship. These events followed current SECDEF Dr. Robert Gates tenure (1994) and his abandonment of his national security responsibilities concerning the verification and validation of the ship's position on the strato-volcano, Mt. Ararat in Eastern Turkey. Fears concerning personal and professional embarrassment may have affected his courage regarding this critically important investigation. Dr. Gates may have confused historical anthropology and geophysics with the illusion of religion. The concept of religion is a safe way out for government employees. The Ark was stated to be, and the Simmons--Arslan photo confirms that it is, located on the northeastern section of the strato-volcano, very near the summit, northwest of the Ahora Gorge. The ship has been photographed by Dr. Ahmet Arslan in 1989 under direction and funding of Mr. Robin Simmons. One of the frames (number 2) has been extensively image-processed here at BSMRA, which resulted in extraction of the ship from the ambient background. The image was eventually forwarded to CIA and the Geospatial Intelligence Agency from here. The objective of forwarding the Ark information was to give the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) an actual processed Ark photo, and to correct the widely distributed (and diversion-oriented) Mt. Ararat "anomaly" photos, made famous by Dr. Porcher Taylor of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.. The Mt. Ararat anomaly is a geophysical, and possibly modified cultural rock formation, located approximately 1,000 feet below the ship, in a southeast direction. The anomaly is on the edge of the caldera plateau, being first 29-bomber crew on a mission. The enclosed PDFs have the declassified FOIA documents from 1949 through 2009, including pending requests photographed by the new CIA in 17 June 1949 by a USAF B-29.
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